Applicable: MyContracts App v2.80 and above.
- Install the MyContracts App
- Login
- Main menu
- Categories, subcategories
- Documents
- Signing Wizard
- Settings
- Profile
- Help and Support
- Complete and sign documents offline
- Offline indicator
- Upload all offline signed Documents
- Upload one offline signed document
- Search documents
You have received an email with title: Confirmation of your registration
Do as follows:
- Open this email on the devices (smartphone or tablet) where you want to install the MyContracts App.
- Install the MyContracts App by clicking the icon that corresponds to your device (Apple or Android).
- Start the MyContracts App.
You can now log in (see next step)
Also read: Using the Vasco DP 875 bluetooth reader with the MyContracts App (iOS)
You have received an email with title: Confirmation of your registration.
It also includes the account number , username and one- time password .
Do as follows:
- Start the MyContracts App.
- Please enter the account number , username and one- time password in the appropriate fields.
- Then press the Login button
You will be prompted to replace your one-time password with your personal password.
Log in with this personally chosen password.
Note : If you did not receive an email contact the responsible person for the creation of the MyContracts accounts.
After logging in, the main menu will appear with 4 options:
Categories | All available documents can be found here. |
Settings | Connect the Vasco DIGIPASS 875 reader before first use Note: You can also deconnect the reader. |
Profile | Customize your personal information. |
Help & Support | Online help and the ability to contact the support desk. |
At the bottom of the logout button.
Above the 4 options, a rectangle may appear with the ability to download documents to your device or upload off-line signed documents to the Betrust Secure Signing Platform (BSSP) for further processing (seebelow: Offline Filling and Signing of documents ).
Each document belongs to a category and subcategory.
Click the Categories button to consult the available categories. Then click on the subcategory you want to see the documents that belong to this subcategory.
Note :
- What categories and subcategories are used will be determined entirely by your organization. Contact the responsible in your organization for more information.
- How long a document remains available in your MyContracts account is fully determined by your organization.Contact the responsible in your organization for more information.
- The categories and subcategories are refreshed each time you log in online.
The documents are divided into two subjects:
Documents | These are documents that are completed / signed once. These are usually personalized documents signed by a third party (customer). |
Templates | These are documents that are reusable and can be completed / signed each time. |
Select the document to be filled in and / or signed.
Note : The blue cloud icon with the down arrow allows you to download the document for offline use . This is only required if you want to use the document offline (= no internet connection) (see below: Offline completing and signing documents ).
Once you have selected a document (see above), you are transferred to the Signing Wizard.
This page guides you to complete and sign the document.
Complete steps 1 through 4 (or 3).
The signed document will be forwarded automatically to the Betrust Secure Signing Platform (BSSP) for further processing when you clicked the End Session button in the last step.
You return to the previous page.
In the Settings you can change the following:
Vasco DIGIPASS 875 for eID | Connect your Vasco DIGIPASS 875 reader to your device. Follow the instructions to connect the reader. Also read: Using the Vasco DP 875 bluetooth reader with the MyContracts App (iOS) |
Acrobat Reader | For iOS (Apple) devices, no PDF reader app is by default available. With the Acrobat Reader button, you can install Acrobat Reader App on your device so that PDF documents can be opened. Note : For Android devices this is optional. |
Properties | This section shows the main properties of the MyContracts App on your device. This information is automatically passed to the Betrust Support desk if you request Support (see below). You can also activate the following:
On this page, some personal settings can be changed:
Language selection | The App is available in 3 languages: Dutch, French or English. Select the desired language. |
Your name | Your name can be filled in automatically in fields on forms (if provided in the Document Descriptor of a document). |
Your email address | Your e-mail address can be filled in automatically in fields on forms (if provided in the Document Descriptor of a document). |
On this page you can request online help and support:
Online Help | Click the online help button and this page appears (online). |
Support | Click on the Support button and you can ask a question to our Support Desk. All technical information is handed in so that the Support employee can help you optimally. |
Complete and sign documents offline
You can fill in and sign documents while no internet connection (Wifi or 3G / 4G connection) is available and if you have downloaded the document offline on your device.
The download can be done in 2 ways:
Download all Documents via het Main menu
Click on the green cloud icon (with arrow down). All available documents will be downloaded to your device.
Download one document
Click on the blue cloud icon (down arrow) next to the document you wish to download.
After download, the description shows the time of download (approximate).
If there is no internet connection, it will be shown on each page at the top right. A red rectangle is displayed with the name OFFLINE.
If there is internet connection then a green rectangle with the indication ONLINE will appear.
Unavailable indicator per document
Unavailable documents during offline time are indicated by a red cross.
These are not available because they have not been downloaded before.
Upload all offline signed Documents
If you have signed one document (or more) offline, the document(s) can be uploaded to the Betrust Secure Signing Platform (BSSP) the moment internect connection is availalbe.
Do as follows:
- Check for internet connection.
- Logon
- A rectangle appears in the main menu which lists the number of documents to be uploaded.
- Click on the green cloud icon (with arrow up)
- The documents are uploaded to the BSSP.
Note : Any problems during upload will be displayed (see below).
Upload one offline signed document
If you only want to upload only one document, you can go to the relevant document in the category / subcategory.
To the right of the document you will find a green cloud icon (with arrow up).
Click on it and the document is uploaded to the BSSP and processed.
If there is a problem during upload, following message will appear:
The status, timestamp and reason are listed if the document could not be uploaded.
You can try again, request support, or delete the document.
Note : If the reason is The document is not found on the Signing Platform (BSSP) , then the signed document can no longer be generated. Contact the responsible person in your organization for more information.
With the handy search function you can search for documents based on keywords.
Do as follows:
- Activate the search box via Settings -> Display the search box on the navigation page and click on Confirm
- Go to the main menu and select Categories.
- The search box appears in the main menu.
- Enter a search term (or more) and click Search
- An overview appears with the documents found
- Click on Clear to end the search.
Note: Click Past Signature Date to find only those documents that are ... past the latest expected signing date - whether or not combined with a search term (or multiple).
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